spring cleaning for your soul
Challenge,  Gratitude,  Healthy Living,  Journaling,  Mindfulness,  self-care,  Stress

Spring Cleaning for Your Soul

Ahh, spring. It’s a time of rebirth, renewal… a fresh start and a return to life.

Much like the plants that have shed their outer layers to reveal new growth living beneath the surface, spring can be a time to cleanse our minds and hearts of outdated habits, attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve us.

In doing so, we can clear the path to developing new, smarter ways of being that are more in support of who we are and what we value most.

Do you feel like spring is the perfect opportunity to relieve yourself of inner burdens that weigh you down? Would you like to use this joyful time of renewal to bring renewed faith and life to your world-weary soul?

With each year that passes, nature undergoes a miraculous process of metamorphosis…

Why not make this the spring that you emerge your true spirit like a butterfly from its protective cocoon… transformed, transcended, and ready to fly free?

Welcome to our 15-Day Challenge, Spring Cleaning for Your Soul.

spring cleaning for the soul

We’re so happy to have you join us for this enlightening series of transformative exercises to help you blossom, inside and out.

For each session of our 15-Day Challenge, we will engage in a Daily Reflection or set of thoughts to ponder. Next, we will take part in a journaling exercise to apply those good thoughts to our individual lives and circumstances. And finally, we’ll set an intention to focus on for the coming months, which will gradually become a habit.

The following exercises will be covered in our 15-Day Spring Cleaning for Your Soul Challenge:

  • Day 1: Freshen Up Your Perspective
  • Day 2: Lighten Up Your Outlook
  • Day 3: Clear Away Worries
  • Day 4: Purge Your Regrets
  • Day 5: Clean Up Your Chaos
  • Day 6: Scrub Away  Guilt
  • Day 7: Buff and Shine Your Attitude
  • Day 8: Organize Your Mental Clutter
  • Day 9: Simplify Your Schedule
  • Day 10: Make Room for Gratitude
  • Day 11: Declutter Your Relationships
  • Day 12: Cleanse Your Soul
  • Day 13: Plant the Seeds for Positive Change
  • Day 14: Nurture Joy in Small, Everyday Moments
  • Day 15: Repurpose Your Life

The posts will publish from Monday to Friday for 3 weeks.

Join in!

Loving Life — The Reboot!


Spring Cleaning for Your Soul
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