Spring Cleaning for Your Soul, Day 14: Nurture Joy in the Small Moments
Did you ever notice that the miraculous-seeming “big” things are actually a collection of very small things all grouped together?
Being able to view the world as a whole made up of miniscule yet necessary pieces is the first step in understanding how even “little things” that you do can make a big impact on the world at large.
In today’s Spring Cleaning for Your Soul challenge, we’ll put into practice the art of seeking and finding joy in the small and seemingly insignificant moments of our day.
Joy Is Key

Being joyful has everything to do with being present. Think of the beauty of the spring season that is unfolding before us. That beauty comes on slowly at first, yet is fleeting. The fleeting quality of spring demands that we stay present at just the right time if we’re to fully experience and enjoy the moment.
The tiny green buds on the trees don’t rush through their process to become leaves bursting forth from branches. Instead, they take all of the time that they need to become fully prepared and ready before emerging into a new and evolved life form.
The flowers, too, each make their gradual, timed entrance into the symphony of color, scent and texture that is springtime on planet earth.
Likewise, if you long for a deeper and more connected life experience, then you must master the practiced art of slowing down and living in the present.
If you’re tired of rushing through your every minute, and you long to really savor each drop of precious nectar that is your life, then teach yourself how to slow down and live mindfully.
- Mindfulness in your relationships could look like creating pleasure-filled rituals that you make the time for in your family life and friendships.
- And mindfulness in your emotional life could look like spending time in solitude where you can soak in the beauty of nature while reflecting on all the good things that have come to you.
- Mindfulness in your career could be taking that extra step to make sure the job is done right, and not rushing or taking shortcuts.
Journaling Exercise: How Will You Nurture Meaning into Your Moments?

Pick up your pen and writing pad; it’s time to sit with your thoughts in a meaning-filled journaling moment.
Write down five activities that you take pleasure in during your everyday life.
Are you finding time to be mindful in these special moments? Or are you rushing to the end, or becoming distracted and disconnected?
An example of this could be how you are when you spend quality time with your kids. Do you take them to the park but then sit with your nose in your smart phone the whole time?
What can you do differently to make your family jaunt to the park a more pleasurable, connected, and joy-filled experience? How can you help yourself stay mindful and present?
Decide what you might be able to do differently in order to prolong enjoyment of your favorite activities. Jot down some helpful suggestions to follow.
Set Your Intention

Commit to the activities that you listed in your prior journal example. Follow through by engaging fully each time you do something that you’ve made plans to enjoy, either alone or with family and friends.
Loving Life — The Reboot!

Living Intentional is a way how to have a happy life, it release serotonin or happy cells making us more joyful and pure at all time. I agree with journalling as this is a way how to channel and release our thoughts making it more clear and sharp.
I agree that finding meaning as well as being thankful for every small things in life is a good thing. Most people forget the word gratitude and would sometimes(actually most of the time) take things for granted.
I really needed to read this one today. I’m so bad about not staying in the moment. I have so much to do, and I try to do it all at once. Which makes it impossible to really be in the moment.
I clean my home during spring but never think about my mind and body. This is a great post.
Nicole Anderson
I just love the messages you have shared here as I feel I can relate so well. It really is the small things that help us feel joy in our lives and we are so much richer for recognizing that. Being able to ‘be in the moment’ and feel settled to journal each day also gives us the ability to be more grateful for what we have in life. I think it makes us happier as people.
I love to write a journal. Will defenetly follow your advices and make more valuable time for my friends and family.
Aimee amala
Kot is key definitely. Lovely blog post x
Great tips! Slow down, savor life, and choose joy in any and every circumstance!
Eileen M Loya
Journaling is a good way to release some pent up emotions and/or for documenting your little joys and successes too. I try my best to be consistent in writing in my journal. Thanks for that much needed “nudge.”
Emman Damian
I love journaling as it helps me write my feelings. It also helps me be better! I love it because it helps me lessen my stress.
Jaye Shields
I love your spring time pictures. It’s funny that I just happen to read this article because I’m going to be doing my spring cleaning today!
Good luck with that! We’re starting our physical spring cleaning as well!
Doris Jean
Living an intention life full of joy and gratitude is very impressive to me. Love this article. I will definitely use some of your suggestions.
Elise Ho
Unfortunately, it is quite often that people rush and can forget to enjoy the steps along the way.
Writing postitive things is a refreshing idea. I think it’s important to do what you can to keep your state of mind in a good space.
I am glad you enjoyed this series!
Claudia Blanton
I am usually pretty mindful, but after this last weekend – which was stressful – I kind of fell of the wagon a little bit – thanks for this positive reminder. Blessings
I hope your week gets better!
love this article we should do our way to follow! follow what make us happy!
I understand — I have to make sure I follow these rules too!
I agree with you on all of these especially the mindfulness part and not rushing to get it done but to do it with intention. This is key. thanks for sharing!