Day 30: Thankful for Those Who Have Passed On
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Originally published November 30, 2019. Updated on November 30, 2022.
Just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for taking a daily break with us to focus on thankful thoughts and grateful gestures for the last 30 days.
On our last day of the 30 Days Thankful Challenge, we’ll be giving thanks for those dear family members and friends who are no longer with us.

The holidays can be a difficult time for those who have said goodbye to a loved one too soon.
As you make plans and get preparations underway, you may feel a twinge of sadness now and then at the loss of loved ones who have shared Thanksgivings past.
Yes, you may think back to the holidays of your youth, when special faces graced your holiday table, and the laughter of loved ones resounded through the sanctuary of your childhood home or the home of a dear relative.
How to honor these special folks? One way is by keeping their memory alive.
Your children may not remember Great Grandma, or maybe they never had the good fortune to meet her.
Even so, it would mean a great deal to someone like your mother, to have her own grandma’s memory celebrated at the next family occasion.
Day 30 JOURNAL EXERCISE: Celebrate the living while honoring those who have passed.

Do you still have your parents? Count yourself fortunate indeed. Many people have had to say goodbye too soon to their loving mom, dad or both.
And yet, remember to honor the living even as you mourn the passing of those who have departed.
What are some ways you might honor the memory of relatives who have passed on?
Share a special memory of one particular person who has passed, around the Thanksgiving table.
Did this special friend or relative once send you a gift to cherish? Maybe you still have the gift stowed away as a keepsake.
Why not bring out the special item, and talk about how it made you feel to receive it from that special person? Maybe put it on display for a bit, to be reminded of this person throughout the holiday season.
Old cards are another nice way to remember those who have passed on. Perhaps you have a collection of cards to share at the Thanksgiving table which can help the younger generation catch a glimpse into holidays past.
Another commemorative gesture: discuss the special talents and traits of those who have passed on. Perhaps certain gifts, like artistic ability, musical talent or a personality trait, like extreme stubbornness or a signature sense of humor, have managed to carry on to the youngest generation.
Talk about who got which gifts from whom in the family. Share funny or meaningful stories that relate to these talents and traits.
Finally, a special photo album or scrapbook makes a wonderful way to preserve memories of deceased family members or friends.
You have successfully completed the 30 Days Thankful Challenge. Give yourself a great big pat on the back and a warm little hug of congratulations. We’re so proud of your accomplishment!
Now head out into the world newly optimistic, ever grateful, and ready to embrace whatever blessings life sends your way!

Loving Life — The Reboot!

This is such a good reminder to remember those who have passed on with people that we still have here with us. Thank you for making me take time to stop and take a moment to do this. I think we all too often forget how blessed we are to still have our parents while some are suffering without theirs. Xoxo
Thank you! This one is close to my heart — my father is living with us now and I am trying to make sure I (and my kids) spend time with him. Just doing silly things or talking! It’s so important…
Matt Taylor
Such a great series! Now to be thankful all year long. 🙂 I like your ideas on how to show appreciation for those who have passed on. 🙂
This was such an amazing series! I saved this and emailed it to my family! Thank you!
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!
Emily Fata
I absolutely love this idea of keeping track of the things that you are thankful for! It really opens your eyes to how much we have to truly be happy about.
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
This Christmas will be extremely difficult for me. I lost my mom to cancer last February and this will be our first Christmas without her. I am thinking of having a photo book made so that my siblings and I can always look at Mama’s photos.
I am sorry for your loss — I totally get that (I lost my mom last summer). Hopefully the photobook will help your family cherish some great memories as you make it through this holiday season!
I love these ideas! I think we will start sharing a good memory of all our family that has passed around the holidays!
Melanie williams
How fab is this. I love this idea and being thankful is so important for sure xx
katrina Kroeplin
2 of my best friends have passed. one was my daughters godmother. we have pictures up of her in the house and still remember her and my daughter will say a prayer for her. it’s good to remember those who have gone before us.
I love this Thankful compilation. I missed most of it for the month of November but I can do this all year long.
Emman Damian
I read all the posts from Day 1 to 30. There’s just a lot of things to be thankful for! Yey!!! I hope I can do this next year!
Wow! Thank you for reading all of them! That means so much to me! I like how this challenge went so I will do a few more next year on different topics. Stay tuned! Have a beautiful day!
I do still have my mom. She is in another state and I miss her.