Children,  Family,  TV,  Ultimate Blog Challenge

Our Adventure on Great Day Houston

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Day 27…

Great Day Houston Live Show Day…

In the Morning

It started especially early for me. I woke up at 3:45 am. Without an alarm.

We needed to be at the studio at 8 AM and our house is around 40 minutes away. I could have gone back to sleep, but I was pretty excited. I posted my Day 26 post, read some fellow bloggers’ posts, and commented on some blogs. I ran the washer, cleaned some dishes, and took a bath.

I was a busy bee this morning. Too much energy!

I woke K up at 6 AM. We were both ready by 6:35 AM.

When we were invited to do the show, we were told that there was a parking garage, but that parking was limited. So, I was going to use Lyft to avoid that issue. I got on the app, and it took a long time for Lyft to find an available car. I must admit, I started to sweat a little, thinking I might have to drive and fight about parking spaces. Finally, they found a car and we were set!

Pre Show

The ride was uneventful.

But little did I know that K would become a drama queen…

She doesn’t look like a Drama Queen, does she?

We were waiting for everyone in our group from GiGi’s Playhouse to come to the studio. My daughter was sitting by the window watching the cars. There was a friend that she hoped was coming. Key point: I had already told her that her friend wasn’t coming several times before, so this search was going to be fruitless and annoying.

So, they called us back to the studio. But K wasn’t moving…

It took almost 10 minutes to get her to cooperate. She was upset that her friend wasn’t there, and her emotions just overflowed.

On Air

Once, we got inside the studio, she sat down. But she cried… It took a segment or two before K gathered herself. At least the tears were silent. I told her that nothing bad was happening to her right now and that she should try to enjoy herself. ***(more below)

The producers talked to us about clapping and who among our group would be interviewed on the show. Only 2 people. This comes up again later…

There were several segments both live and pre-taped. These are screenshots that my husband took as the show aired live…

K was still annoyed (but not crying) until the food segment was mentioned. Her head popped up. Instant interest!

The host came to do a tease for the food segment while sitting with us. During the commercial, the host asked everyone in our group what their favorite food was. K chimed in very quickly and brightly: “Wings!” Since the segment was actually about wings — duck wings but wings all the same — the host asked K to switch places with the person sitting next to her.

I was nervous that she might develop stage fright. But my worry was unfounded. When the camera came on, the host asked K what her favorite food was, and she said “Wings!”

Her television debut!

Then we came to the segment about GiGi’s Playhouse. They improvised a bit and started asking other parents what they had learned through GiGi’s. I grew nervous. There was no plan for the other parents to talk originally. I was 5 seconds away from having to go off script…

But we ran out of time. Whew!

We participated in a couple of promos for tomorrow’s show. And we were done.

The host and the producers said we were a good audience so we would get to see the control room.

Last picture in the studio

Post Show

To the control room!

Drama Queen K returned. She suddenly became nervous about entering the control room. The host walked in with her because she was too scared. LOL I hadn’t been in a control room in a long time. I hadn’t realized how digital technology had decreased the amount of space needed to run a major TV channel. It was a regular sized room with a lot of screens.

K is in this picture. She is right next to the director and next to all the control buttons. She got a quick lesson on how to control the camera in the studio that we had just vacated. She got to move around the camera remotely, which she enjoyed immensely.

Finally, we left. It was a fun experience. Everyone was very nice. K apologized for her behavior. All is well.

Now on to sign our wills…

Have a wonderful day!

Loving Life — The Reboot!


***Note: After we returned home, my husband and I determined that the fact that K gets so attached may rest with the fact that she really doesn’t have “friends”. This young woman might be a friend someday, but K gets attached to people who are polite to her. She’s not really clear on what friends really are. And she needs more than one! Making friends can be a problem with people with special needs. We have to really work on that with her so she can learn how to navigate friendships in the world.


  • Cindy Rae Fancher

    What an adventure! Making friends is a challenge for many. I hope you and your husband can help K find friends who truly care about her as much as she obviously will care for them. Life is such a journey. I love your humor in sharing your journey with us! Cindy Rae

    • Dominique

      Thank you so much!

      Yeah, making friends and keeping them is a challenge for all. But I didn’t know it could be so complicated. We are trying to get her more involved this year. Fortunately, she has some good teachers who try to help in that regard.

  • Tamara

    How wonderful that your husband was able to take these screen shots, so we feel like we were in the audience, thank you (and him!) for the summary. Sorry K was bummed about her “friend” not coming. It must be hard.
    So do we see wings in the near future? Dinner maybe?

    • Dominique

      My husband is the best at making sure we have lasting memories. He takes a lot of pictures and videos.

      he and our son drove to Dallas for a fraternity function. I can’t get wings until they return. They love wings as much as she does! LOL

  • Elisa

    What a lovely opportunity to share with your daughter. I’m so glad everything worked out! I would have been sweating bullets over the car/parking situation. Someone would have had to redo my makeup.

    • Dominique

      Yeah, I don’t like searching for parking either. Especially in a parking garage. The Lyft was definitely the way to go.

  • Marthw

    What an awesome experience for both of you! I think I may have cried too if I got too overwhelmed at being on stage! K did great and having hubby take shots of the show was a great idea. K looked very relaxed in the pictures. Hopefully she will meet a few good friends and then they will just multiple.

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