Blogtober,  Family,  Food,  Healthy Living

I Started a Garden…

I have started a garden this fall. We already have a 15-year old orange tree that is producing like mad and around 10-12 other trees that produce from a couple of fruits to nothing. Some are new — we are trying to be patient. So — back to the garden.

It’s not the first time I have tried my hand at gardening. The first time, all of the wild creatures* with hands ate everything.

*not my garbage can thankfully!

I even bought a little greenhouse a few years ago.

The wild animals with hands used their little hands to lift up the sides and to go in and finish off my tomatoes.

So this year, I bought a raised bed contraption — 2 feet off the ground. It’s covered too.

So far so good.

I have planted broccoli, collard greens, some type of red-tipped lettuce, arugula, and carrots. Maybe, the raccoons don’t love any of these veggies?

If this works, I will buy another raised bed and plant a larger garden in the spring.

We also bought some patio fruits.

Mini Blueberry bush

Mini Banana plant

and a mini pineapple

Wish us luck!

Loving Life — The Reboot!



  • Julie JordanScott

    Did you actually take that picture of the raccoon in the trash can? Oh my goodness. It would scare me to be so close!

    I love your ingenuity with growing your garden in spite of the hungry critters who think you grow for them! 🙂

    • Dominique

      No, that’s a stock raccoon! I would be so frightened to be that close as well! We keep trying to foil the critters — they are persistent! LOL Let’s hope this works!

  • Helen

    Looks amazing!! I’ve always wanted to grow vegetables and fruit in a garden. So amazing to grow the things that you eat 🙂
    by the way,you’ve been nominated for the Small Joys Tag. See my blog to learn more 🙂

  • Virginia Allain

    Looks like you are off to a good start. I planted my pandemic victory garden inside our screen room using grow-bags. That’s working pretty well but some insects are still able to aggravate me (aphids, white fly).

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