Day 25: Thankful for Life’s Precious Gifts
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Originally published November 25, 2019. Updated on November 25, 2022.
Hi there… if you’re still following along with the 30 Days Thankful Challenge, that’s wonderful! We’re so happy to have you here for our final week of gratitude exercises. This is Day 25 and we are looking at gratitude and mindfulness.

As the University of California Robert Emmons is known for saying, viewing life as a gift opens the door to better relationships, stronger communities, and greater success and happiness.
What does this mean exactly? It means that when we cultivate a spirit of gratitude, we attract others who embody this same sentiment.
Have a Positive Attitude
People who view the world negatively tend to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- If you approach a situation with a poor attitude, thinking that everything’s going to go wrong, then it probably will.
- If you say negative things about yourself, then this is the picture of you that people are going to have.
- If you criticize other people, or put them down, or fail to give credit, or don’t often extend courtesy and benefit of the doubt, then your relationships are going to suffer. You’ll also attract friends who also lean toward pessimistic thinking and negative behavior.
Of course, no one can be 100% positive all the time. Anyone who is never caught having a downer of a day or being pessimistic now and then is not giving themselves the healthy release of a good venting session.
Also, if we’re unwilling to face our own weaknesses, or if we’re unwilling to admit that there may be problems, then we’ll never be able to fix those problems.
So, seeing life as a gift is something that definitely requires some fine-tuning. No, not every day is a gift.
But if you live in a first-world country, and you’re healthy, and you have a happy home, and you go to school or a good job that pays your way through life… and you enjoy the privileges that most Americans typically indulge in… then your days really are, for the most part, a blessing and a gift!
Day 25 JOURNAL EXERCISE: Become mindful of all of life’s precious gifts.

Mindfulness requires us to slow down. That can be quite difficult in today’s fast-paced world.
The smartphone constantly beckons, with its temptations and its demands.
The thing is, you have a right to take things at your own pace. You have a right to enjoy all of life’s privileges as a full sensory experience.
Being mindful of all of life’s beauty really does require a respite from technology.
- Next time a Facebook alert pops up… ignore it. Instead, go outside and spend ten minutes breathing the fresh, clean air.
- Next time your pet comes to your hoping for attention, pause for a pet, a belly rub, and a scratch behind the ears. (For your pet, not for you, silly!)
- Next time your child says, “I have a funny joke to tell you!” drop whatever you’re doing, give your full attention and get ready to belly-laugh.
These ordinary moments are the most precious ones that make life a gift worth holding close to your heart.
Each day, engage in five acts of mindfulness where you take time to appreciate the gifts you’ve been given.
What made you feel happy today? What were you blessed with? Journal it.
Free Journal
This is the free Workbook that goes along with the posts that you can download. It’s a perfect time to look at all the things we should be grateful for. Click below for a free journal.

Loving Life — The Reboot!
