Challenge,  Gratitude,  Journaling,  self-care

Day 6: Thankful for the Change of Seasons

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Originally published on November 6, 2019. Updated on November 6, 2022.

On Day 6 of our 30 Thankful Days Challenge, we’ll give thanks for the change of seasons. If you haven’t downloaded the free companion journal, click the link below.

Some people say they don’t like it when the seasons change. Summer surrendering to fall can bring melancholy feelings for those who resist change and want the long, sunny days and mild, starry nights, to go on and on.

And there’s the shift into winter, a time when living things go dormant, plants die, animals hibernate, and the world goes quiet for its dark and wintry sleep. Winter is the worst change of seasons for many people who dread the cold!

But winter gives way to the amazing and miraculous burst of life that is spring and the world waking up as life renews itself.


At this time of year, can we find it in ourselves to embrace the transformation? The brisk feeling in the air. The beautiful colors of falling leaves – gold, orange, crimson. The year drawing to a close, and the bountiful harvest.

Seasons can mean different things depending on where you live. In some parts of the world, there’s a dry season and a rainy season. Or, winter prevails for most of the year, while summer is just a brief flirtation.

Some tropical places have a long stretch of amazing, warm tropical weather followed by a period of frequent storms and turbulence.

Day 6 JOURNAL EXERCISE: Give Thanks for the Change of Seasons

No matter where you live, changing seasons is inevitable.

What are your feelings about the change in seasons?

  • Do you hunger for the light and warmth, and hunker down in misery to tough out turbulent times?
  • Have you ever thought that the change of seasons brings balance to the climate, allowing the cycle of life to continue?
  • Do you feel a special appreciation for a certain season? Which is your favorite? Why?
  • Do you think you’d appreciate it less if you didn’t have the opposite season to expect for part of the time? How so?

Spend some time exploring the beauty of nature that’s present in all seasons where you are.

Take a sensory exploration of the world around you during different seasons.

What do you see, hear, feel, smell?

Give thanks for the beauty of the changing seasons, for they sustain life here on earth.

Free Journal

This is the free Workbook that goes along with the posts that you can download. It’s a perfect time to look at all the things we should be grateful for. Click below for the free accompanying journal.


Loving Life — The Reboot!


Day 6: Thankful for the Change of Seasons


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