“New Year, New You” 30-Day Positivity Challenge – Day 9
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Originally published on January 28, 2022. Updated on January 24, 2022.
Find the Surprise Gifts in Life
Welcome to Day 9 of the “New Year, New You” 30-Day Positivity Challenge. Today we’re going to explore the concept of surprise gifts from unexpected people at unexpected times or places.
When we think of surprise gifts, maybe something material comes to mind, like a certificate for a therapeutic massage. This is a nice present, no doubt. But it’s not the kind of gift we’re referring to in this gratitude exercise.
A surprise gift, in this case, refers to a “kiss from the universe,” or something unexpected yet delightful, that seems to be exactly what you need at just the perfect time.

What might be some good examples of a surprise gift to be grateful for, or a kiss from the universe?
A kind gesture that someone offered you. Maybe it’s a paid-for treat from a stranger at a coffee shop, or someone offering to give up their parking spot at a time when you were running late for an appointment.
A listening ear and bit of good advice from a person you only know only casually. It could be someone who works for your child’s school, or an acquaintance you’ve chatted with at the grocery store.
Some children from the neighborhood who show up offering to do a housework or yard cleanup, on a day when you can really use the help.
A kind compliment paid by a stranger. Or even a kind compliment paid by your husband or wife!
A ride to the hospital from a coworker.
A kiss from the universe is cause for celebration, and that’s what positive thinking is all about.
Exercise 9: Count Up Your Kisses from the Universe

When was the last time you received an unexpected gift, a surprise kiss from the universe, or a “paid forward” unsolicited act of kindness?
Even though some days may seem like a struggle of long lines at the store or being stuck on hold with customer service, there’s still so much to be grateful for. So count up your kisses. How many kind gestures have been bestowed upon you this week?

Journal It.
Make a list of all the little ways people brightened your days with their thoughtful and unexpected gestures, no matter how small.
Maybe it’s even something so subtle as a glance of understanding during a tense moment.
It could even be a hug from someone you barely know.
Those little gestures really go a long way to make us feel special and loved by the people around us.

Loving Life — The Reboot!
This article provides general information and discussion about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this article, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.

Such serendipitous gestures are certainly encouraging! They gave us a lift and make life a little sweeter! I do prefer to think of these things as one person making a choice that blesses another. That way two are blessed. Making little sacrifices on our part actually makes life better for us as well, since selfishness is so easy, and sacrifice so unusual. If you want to thank that universe, that’s fine, but I prefer to thank the Maker of the universe and those who tangibly make a sacrifice for me!
Ridge Haven Homestead
Surprise gifts are the best. One thing my hubby does is write me love notes from out of the blue on a napkin or scratch piece of paper, yes even after 56 years together. To me this is a true surprise gift. Lia loves baking and as soon as the cookies are cool, she will say she has to take cookies over to our neighbors. The look on their faces is priceless as is Lia’s smile. Her biggest gift is picking flowers, yes even dandelions and making a bouquet for her mommy. To me gifts like these come from the heart.
Oh, that is so sweet!
I love this! I had never thought about these things as kisses from the universe. A very nice thing to think about. I’ll be on the look out for them from now on.
Hanna Long
great read, i love all your photos
Roy A Ackerman, PhD. EA
Every day is a kiss from the universe.